Saturday, January 01, 2005


It's 5:42am, New Years Day, 2004.

I just got home from my fucking 12 hour shift at the bakery.It certainly had it's bebfits such as not really doing much in the last 6 hours but really all i wanted to do was go home.
Working there has certainly slowed my process of thinking.

At first the body starts to crumble when you become rostered at the damned bakery, it begins with swollen fingers and little cuts and bruises and ends with a back that i swear wasn't hunchbacked when i started working. After awhile the mind also becomes numb.
Much has changed since my last post and It certainly has been too long since i've written anything down.

Well needless to say a lot of things have happend. Car was stolen, exams i didn't go to, friends lost.. you get the picture of how 2004 went for me.

The loss of my car had unpredictable outcomes. I guess i would have to start from scratch.I'll pick up EXACTLY after my last entry. If i remember correctly my life was great, i have big plans to redecorate my room, my social life was awesome, my studies were coming along smoothly and my outlook on everything was nothing but sweet.

One night i went rollerblading with monin, it's an old tradition where we would run chaos (by chaos i just mean midnight roller blading and lying on the ashphalt looking at stars) on the streets on Oakleigh. I got home after a great conversation regarding the potential establishment of a independent comic firm. Life was so sweet. Did i mention how sweet it was?

Almost makes me afraid to be happy in life, next time i might not be so lucky as only my car stolen as i can think of much worse :(
Got home and went to bed, didn't even realise my car at that stage was missing. Yep, it's a car, no worries. Can be replaced... right?

Hmm obviously not. I was far more attached to my car than i thought and to make the situation worse, i left my school bag inside because i thought i was going to study at the 24 hour computer block afterwards.

Here's how it went down, car was recovered but heaps of goodies stolen, school bag was never recovered, and it's not like they'll need a text book on finance and accounting anyway!
The thieves even had the curtesy to steal the fucking ambi pur air freshener...With all the shit aside, i got a small but helpful insurance payout and the car has been running for about a month now. Thanks to Glenn and Chow for heaps of time spent rebuilding her into a shadow of her former glory.

With the car recovered about a week before the exam, i was thrown from a severely depressed state into "ok, time to cram like you've never crammed before..." in the context of studying of course.

As with most of my plans, it didn't go too well. Well the problem wasn't in the cramming but the ability to conserve my strength for the actual exam. I studied so hard (despite seeming like i made it up) i had absolutely no strength in me to make it. Lesson learned: I can't do all nighters.
Now i have a letter of reason to write to the faculty in explaining why i didn't do well academically this semester.

I've also left my close knit group of friends who've been there since primary school days and i don't see anyone anymore. I admit at times i do miss the boys, and i wonder what they're all up to.2005 is definately going to be different.

I was planning to write a short summary of what has happening to me this year, but i can't seem to really say anything impressive. In short, i screwed up.However there is a light at the end of the tunnel with my whole "car" incident. I was able to meet and make new friends who i see regularly.

These guys are cool and it came at a moment i least expected.
Firstly, i posted on the forums regarding my problem, and suddenly about 10 cars show up the next sunday ready to hunt for this stolen sprinter. Almost everything in 2004 seemed a blur and hopefully by my next post i can recall something.



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