.. Just taking a small break.
Cram studies don't usually make me nostalgic but there was once a time where every felt like it was falling, my world just seemed so dark and every minute of everyday seemed a waste.
Someone i know, someone who was as wise and a exceptional chain smoker told me the hardest thing for someone to do is to pick themselves up when they fall. This incredibly wise and passionate person told me all the great people in the past no matter their status or position has fallen many times and what seperates us from greatness to failure is the determination to succeed.
Though he and i have not spoken in awhile, i believe those words will never leave me, nor will the image of his greatness. I guess this entry to to honor him for being there for me when times got extremly tough and i vowed i would never forgot the kindness of others and the persistance of ones dreams.
When things did hit rock bottom, i drew a picture of myself in a A4 sheet. Pictured was me in a dark and witthered room. There picture was me sitting at a desk staring at this plant who seemed almost witthered by the darkness and from that there is one bright green leaf.
Though at times in everyone's life people fall, getting up is the hardest. Someone asked me the other day what's the point of even living or going through the shit everyone has to... i replied i don't more more than he did except you get up and do the best you can because i believe there's so much in life, so much one can influence and change.
Of course ultimately i said this with the image of all the people in my life who gave me meaning and made me the person i'm today. My treasured friends, collegues, family who've stood by me are the ones worth falling and getting back up for.
Im my darkest hour, and the darkest day of days they are my hope.

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