Ironically, about 7 hours ago i wrote a entry about the most brilliant anime masterpieces i've ever seen. Strangely enough, i think this is one too...
One of life's equilibrium things...
Here's a new science concept:
[The law of stupidity] - By Dr. Jason Chung
As consistant with gravity, a step forward in mankind milestone will be inadvertedly be minused by the constant of "moron" with the numerical value of :345 - DICKHEAD to the power of 10.
Yes kids, you heard it here first.
ANd don't even think of ripping of my jokes ;) I know where you live!
Classic... sheer japanese stupidity classic. I'd seriously wear those if i had one. As a joke of course. ;)

If i saw someone wearing it, i'd be stumped whether to laugh or ask if he/she needs help. Best thing is, that suicidal T-shit has love hearts and rainbows. HAHAHAHAHA watta great decade to be alive.
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