It here, it's finally here.
Time was 4:45pm on June 21.
I could've seriously aced the last exam, my notes i wrote covered exactly what the exam asked, got lazy to bother learning the terms and definitions.
No words can express my excitment. I've been smiling for the last 40 minutes.
Got out of the exam theatre with my victory smoke, got into the old sprinter and gave it a good ol' fashioned fanging (until i got caught up with peak hour traffic so i got to fang a good 20m or so :P) and let the subwoofer rip.
I didn't give a shit what kind of faces blokes going home from the offices were giving me, i didnt care that i was scaring the daylights out of soccer mums and their stupid soccer kids in their toyota tarago.
Today is my day.
Dayum, the possiblities to do anything i bloody hell want for another 3 weeks... Catching up all the things i'be been postponing and the people i promised to catch up with.
Careful world, Jay's on a permanent sugar high for the next 3 weeks.
In the words of someone wise and great : "PARTY UP MOTHER FUCKER!" -Tuan
Yes, party up indeed brother. *nods*

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