1 week of golden showers
Listening to: [ Alex Lloyd - Beautiful ]
I've taken one week from work. Must has to be done in order to best prepare myself for big 2005. I've taken note not to expect too much as life has a tendancy to go the other way.
So it'll be one beautiful week, and already i have about 500 things i want to do.
I've been working since January 1, so to me it doesn't feel like 2005 yet but more like my impression of what hell is like; a sweaty hot run down warehouse with old codgers talking about bullshit and doing the same repetitive crap all day. Looks like the cigarette thing will be the hardest thing to full-fill on my resolution.
I bet nailing leader singer Mick Jagger up the butt will be an easier task.
Lately i've seriously considered making a band that plays some cover songs at pubs... i've decided on the name to be "four blown head gaskets" because i had this friend who owned a car whose gasket was about as reliable as the public transport system in Melbourne.
Hmm, now who wants to be in a band?
Damn! All those years wasted with the wrong crowd, not that i regret any of it but i wish some of the guys had some artistic talent despite many of them will claim drinking the mystic waters of "grog" as a modern art form.
Ok a short run down of what needs to be done.
- Send the letter of response to the commerce faculty and beg with all i have to let me stay.
i imagine myself bursting through the doors screaming "who do i have to f%#k around here to get a degree?"
-Secondly, fix the damn car. No point having a car of bling and it doesn't run. Hell my shitbox carby, hit-a-pothole-and-die car seems more reliable at this stage.
-Find a house to move into. This house is getting far too cramped. Somewhere close hopefully.
-Catch up with Jase, Chooney, Sab, Huy.
-Find a present for old fart nim.
-Buy new clothes, it ain't cool wearing the same thing for 3 months... as i found out.
Most importantly the uni thing must be done before i move because there's no sense moving closer to monash if i'm no longer a student! Well, i'll fight as hard as i can.
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