Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I hate the OC

Listening to: [ Van Morrison - Moondance ]

I hate the OC.

I saw an episode and i concluded i'd rather gouge my eyes out with an ice cream scooper than watch that filth ever again.

For all the OC lovers out there, stiff shit but i stand my ground.

In summary here's 3 reasons why i hate the OC:

1. It's fucken stupid
2. It has the ugliest fucknut as a lead role, Ryan.
3. Ryan.

Every episode is like a masterpiece of brilliantly crafted written in the formula of Melrose Place but for Dummies. For the sake of character dynamics they'll add a new character to get "bicycled" around before kill her off when all the original characters have already slept with each other.

Kudos for the hot lesbians that suckers in the ignorant males audiences to watch before of two half naked babes go at it. I'm sure they're keeping it "real" as most lesbians weigh more and outclass me with hair in my wildest nightmares. Tool.

The entire plot is about rich spoilt drop kicks in sunny california in a province called the Orange County. Thhe plot takes a twist when "bad boy" Ryan feels attraction for the hot lesbian. Cutting edge stuff story fellas.

I feel sorry for the chick, no really i do.
For her to even get remotely close to his saturating sly presences makes a walk in the amazon a piece of cake.
Let's cut to the chase shall we???

It's his face.

I hate his face. His hair resembles Donald Trump, his armpit hair makes the portuguese man 'o war look like a plaything and finally is his fucken smug sonova dumb twat face. FUCKEN DIE CUNT DIE!

My favourite episode is where i go to Ryan's house, "sneak like a ninja" and lay the runniest, egg filled turd my sphincter has even done in 21 years. Using Ryans array of stylish "bad boy" singlets, rub that Tusson RIGHT THERE and secretely sneak back out.

When 'ol chum ryan return and before he has a chance to question, "I don't remember my bed to be yellow" I'LL RAM HIS COCK UGLY FACE INTO MY STOOL!

Game over.
.Fade to blade with credits.


"And the winnder for this year's Academy Awards for "BEST OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE".... goes to... oh i can't believe it! JAY! For his work on the OC in episode "006:Yellowfinger""

*Standing Ovation*

Ahh... i feel much better.



At 9:42 pm, Blogger LOki said...

that is so clean.

i don't hate ryan as much as i hate marissa. everything's a drama for her.

summer (rachel bilson), i don't mind at all.


At 2:30 am, Blogger ToFu said...

Y'aaaargh!!! A pox on them all!!!

At 11:12 am, Blogger CJ said...

SCREW U JASON! hahha. I love the OC. Seth Cohen is the best, ok ryans facial looks are gay... but compared to Neighbours hahaha.

At 4:52 am, Blogger ToFu said...

Another OC sucker. Indeed i agree with u... losers do belong with each other. I hope they go to a make out pit and get eaten by aliens.



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