one moment, one photograph and one heart bleeds...
Listening to: [ Oasis - Don't look back in anger, Jet - Look what you've done ]
Those who bother reading my rantings i implore you to give a little to the tsunami disaster because for some reason it struck a nerve some two nights ago.
It was just one photograph in particular where a woman is lying flat on the ground facing down with her fingers streched. This image portrayed someone who has completely lost everything and the expression of her face was a sadness i could not comprehend. I've gone out of my way to find it so everyone just judge it themselves.
Here, right now i'm sitting in my chair, drinking my hot tea bitching about my car, my lousy "friends" and my shithouse hell job somehow became ever-so insignificant compared to the devastating tradgedy.
Tradgedy, tradgedy, tradgey is all we hear but i've spoken to a few people but they don't seem to feel the same way.
Everywhere you go lately all you hear is depressing accounts and how the numbers keep rising.
Well, i've lately tried to encourage everyone to donate but that doesn't make me a Saint.
Let's talk about the photograph.
I find it how much more powerful a message just one frame in a moment can say more than a 60 minute documentary. That has always inspired me to re-take my old hobby and take out a secondhand SLR because i never really know when a moment comes out in life.
Enough with my own interests, that's for next time... for now i'll state the surge that overwhelmined me because the woman's pain can be seen from her disfigured pose and her fingers pretty much scream as loud as her voice did.
I admit i've made plenty of racial jokes over the years in my immature self but nothing is funny when it's like this. Hell, i feel really stupid wondering why did i say such things in the first place and starting to really hate my discriminations.
Overall, i hope something like this makes the world a closer place. I hope it opens eyes realising nature doesn't give a shit where you come from, what you do, what colour your skin is because in the end we're all the same.
But this still doesn't make me like Americans... who from my general view are only out to better themselves all the time. History and this speaks for itself. If you're american, your government sucks.
Give generously people.
It's terrible whats happened, and our family has already donated like 6 big bag of clothes most of them which are new. Anyways we've all made racial jokes in the past and I know we were all joking, at least I hope so. It's mostly individuals that cause us to make racial joke and blame the whole race all because of that one stupid idiot and it's really not fair, but yeah don't take jokes too seriously.
Well to my accounts the world is getting more farked up with each passing year, I mean the world has gone crazy and it seems like everyone is farking it up more and more and no one cares, but yeah it's good to see that most country want to help contribute to the relief.
Just one final note, try to take care of the world peoples it's the only one we got and no we can't all just move to mars IDIOTS!
its true that other other people, the most obvious at the present moment being the victims and families of the tsunami disaster, are worse off that ourselves - but there comes a time where you're allowed to be selfish and say "fuck them, i've got shit going on too."
by "them", i'm not referring specifically to the tsunami victims, but i'm referring to other people who come to you with their problems, hoping that you'll magically fix it for them by worrying about it. that's all bs; everyone's got problems, some can be dealt with alone and other can't. but don't expect the world to stop cos you got dealt a shitty hand.
but obviosuly, this is a little different. natural diasters are just that - part of nature. no one is at fault, there's no one to blame.
apart from donating money (which my brother and his girlfriend gave a couple of hundred dollars), feeling sorry for them or bad about past prejudices won't do any good. they don't care if they're in your thoughts, all they want are resources to salvage what they have left of thier lives. of course, by donating you are thinking of thier plight, but once you send off that cheque or put your gold coin in the collection cans - that is all you can do.
maybe in a couple of years time when the affected countries' infrastructures are up and running again, they'll thank those nations who gave so generously in their time of need. and if they don't, it shouldn't matter. because giving money, clothes, food, or anything kind of resource to people who have been stripped of everything they own and love, one shouldn't expect anything in return, just the knowledge that thier contribution had made someone's life a little better.
i believe in the power of photography, you know that much. and it is heartbreaking to see these people, who already live in poor conditions have had everything taken away from them. what bothers me sometimes though is the question of whether the photographer cares about the people, or just wants to be the first on the scene. cynical as that may be, in the news industry: if it bleeds, it leads.
like i said earlier, feeling bad about making racist jokes isn't going to help the cause, its just gonna make you feel guilty about giving people shit and inadvertently make you feel responsible for thier suffering. forget that shit. chow was right in saying that people shouldn't take jokes seriously. of course there are those who honestly believe in racial superiority or whatever, but at the end of the day, as jase says, everyone is the same.
the tsunami tragedy has hit the whole world pretty heavily, and i'm glad that there has been an overwhelming global response. what's even better is that australia alone has donated over $80m. kudos to those who've donated.
keep the victims in your thoughts, but get on with your life too. they've got your support, they know people are looking out for them. the world doesn't need more victims - victims of regret and guilt.
Good point...
It's not like the world gives a damn about me when i cark it after another god forsaken 12 hour grave yard shift.
I'm getting sick of this shit, all because they hired 500 newbies and want idiots like me who have some experience to supervise... supervise is like doing 2 peoples jobs... *urgh!*
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