Holiday progress part. 2
Debt. Something i'm sure everyone is in at the moment.
Today arrived in the mail was none other than the amenities fee from Uni that reminded me that i have no money.
$216 bucks.
Then there's the damn parking fine i've been delaying since January and they've threatened me with a court notice (yikes!) that's $66 bucks. Then there's the most recent fine from the kind people from Caufield that costed me $20.
I really need a job, and i'll need it soon. If anything i've got my last year's tax returns to look forward to and if all goes well and my employer payed more tax than i should; it would allow me to claim some back.
Damn i hate being poor. Mum's arm is sore, and i made it worse the other week. I'm sick of sleeping at night freezing cold cuz this place has no central heating and i can't use the mini heater cuz it drains too much power.
Sometimes i feel guilty i'm at school where i feel like i should be working full-time to pay off bills and things. More often than not, i spend my days just daydreaming of a better life which does nothing for my situation. Not everything is bad though... hopefully things'll change in the forseeable future, but i'm not revealing that yet just in case thing's don't fall through.
On the brighter side of things, i met up with Mic and John yesterday when i was going for coffee with the regular gang. I'm glad they also don't hate me cuz of what happend and i've never seen Mic talk so fast, it made me smile that he was alright with everything. Felt bad because i lost track of the time talking to the sprinter boys that the guys i was suppose to drink coffee with left.
I hope they're not mad.
It was annoying at EG cafe that the place was bombarded with Hondas, disgusting Front-wheel drive cars with their 'fulsick' exhaust trying to get their cars sideways. I agreed with Mic when he said "let's show em how it's done". Rear-wheel drive all the way! Viva la Ae86!
Hanzel the other day mentioned "just go out there and say hi!" in response to me being extremely intro-verted these days. Roles have been reversed and Allan (who for the life of me, never imagined him trying to pick up in clubs to getting phone numbers of heaps of ladies) and me, once loud and out-going has subdued to this lonely and quiet creature who resides in his own world.
Abbey and Adels party was proof of this; first time in my life i was frightened to death because i was in a room full of people i didn't know. I felt so scared and i needed to get outside just to breathe.
Maybe i should just start by saying hi, but then comes the hard part of knowing what to say next. I don't know... i remember back in the day i could talk about everything and anything all day. I'm getting old i suppose.
I've also taken it upon myself to start a short script comic. It's something i've been dying to do since Uni because i'd only think about characters/settings rather than concentrate on finance *shrugs* and other Uni mumbo jumbo.
I don't exactly know what i'll end up writing about but this short story should provide the neccessary feedback i need in regards to workload, story complexity, processes (from script to "paper" etc.)
I got the idea from watching the early works by pixar animation studios (one of the most talented writers in my books). The reason is their ability to capture characters and give the audience a feel of the situation and the problem at hand in a matter of about 5 minutes. Though at times it was very "rough" i believed it provided the framework to better quality short stories as the animation firm progressed.
Well, i'll try to keep a notebook besides me for the moments in life i feel tells a great tale.
I'll probably need to polish up my drawing skills and start developing a style for backgrounds and architecture. Maybe a trip to the city with a notebook and paper should help point me in the right direction...
I still refuse to get any professional training though, i think it would dilute any style i have.
I accept i might not be the best drawer in respects to Jim Lee and Greg Capullo (my early comic inspirations) but i'd rather be shit than to draw like the "manga" rip off artists i see everywhere nowadays. It disgusts me.
No style, no creativity whatsoever.
So, new objectives these holidays are:
[1] With the aid of Monin and Shant, come up with a combined storyboard for a short story (i should probably ask Shant if he's interested first, knowing him, he should be right haha)
[2] Take a scenic trip to the city alone and develop my scenary drawing ability
[3] Say "hi" to 3 random people next time i'm in a bar or a club (oh geez, what've i done?)
[4] Watch Spiderman 2
[5] Save money
I hope i haven't dug my own grave with these objectives.

jase just wing it dude...just wing it...
that's what i've been doing and look where it's got me - home all day, everday, staring blankly across the room or watching pornos...and also not drawing anymore...
well on 2nd thoughts...u better not "wing it"...
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