Thursday, November 03, 2005

Monash Rant Pt . 3

Listening to: [ Louis Armstrong - Mack the knife ]

Those who study at Monash Clayton, does anyone ever notice the stench in the basement male toilets???

There's so much amnonia in the air, due to the fact that idiots refuse to flush after they've finished doing their business.
I caught a student who hung a number 2 and didn't wash his hands earlier in the semester. We might as well be directed to piss in the bushes, that way it smells nicer plus i don't have to read the outrageous racist remarks and political propaganda.

Look out people of Australia this is the next generation of leaders.

Also, the librarians are nice.

The exams are heating up, there's 3 more days to study after today and i admit i'm starting to get tired.
Yesterday i had one of those black out days where i just really couldn't sink any information down.

The only motivation i have is the ice cold beer, guitar, car and friends i can't wait to see once this is all over.



At 2:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, its not only the male toilets. Some girls at Monash are SHOCKING!

At 2:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh my toilets like that as well :P

At 2:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason go clean the toilets u Janitor

At 11:22 pm, Blogger ToFu said...

erm, "no pegg"

and judging form the time u wrote in the first comment, ur probably the same guy so u should start by cleaning ur own, amnonia boy.



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