This is where i grew up.
Listening to: [ Train - When i look to the sky ]
The exam period once again hangs over our head, and i can see that shade of gold that reminds me of summer.
It's been a hell of a hectic last 4-5 weeks and i've gradually worn myself out by trying to accomplish too many things.
Sure, it's a nice thought about one of life's lesson is if there's not enough hours in the day, don't think you can save the world.
Today is Sunday, the last day of mid-semester break and welcomes the final stretch of school which i've been neglecting.
I'm worried about whether i can catch up, and i've allocated my schedule purely to Uni... i know it's a nasty habit which most Uni students tend to share but i've been pretty busy.
I have accepted the role of youth ambassador for the Victorian Multicultural Commission; which means i'll have the input and the chance to represent the real situation of kids to people in authority who can do something about. It's pro bono means i won't be paying many debts or buying that leather jacket i;ve been wanting but i feel this is the right path for me.
Chalkboard is going well, i'm presuming after the whole exam i can really put my efforts into next year and plan the year after that. The comic is coming along nicely and with some luck it should hit the shelves by March 2006.
As soon as i see that, the biggest ambition of my life will be accomplished; should i be really lucky and it sells well could mean the firm continue what we love. Life's going pretty quickly i must admit, and half the time i'm not even sure whether i'm doing enough to keep up. there's a movie i've been extremly fond of, "Garden State" and the main character realises that life's what we make it and it starts right now. "This is my life Dad, this is it." - Andrew Largeman.
The movie scores a 4.5/5 from me so i reccomend it to everyone who needs something refreshing and truly unique piece of work that hasn't graced the screens in a long time.
I consider this the final gallop of 2005, like the horses getting the crap whipped out of them by the jockeys in the Melbourne Cup, this is it. Hopefully my chance to sit back with a coldie with my favourite cd on this balcony won't be too far away. This year i've earned it.
Speaking of balcony, here's the view from my place at 6:40 in the morning and i managed to even get a cameo of a morning bird.... worms for all of us.

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