Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Oppurtunities come and gone...

Listening to: [ A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras ]

Some pretty big events have happend since Ke'vs funeral.
Last Sunday was a cruise dedicated to his honour and i think it went well.

I'm thankful to see car enthusiasts share a moment and think about a friend, a person some of them have never met and i'm constantly suprised by the attitude strangers have for others in need or paying their respects.

The day held up well, not much rain but a lot of smiles and tears.
The BBQ was somewhat typical of what happendi n the past with the regulars coming in and having a bite, walking around taking happy snaps but the moment that hit me was in Berwick.

There under 6 feet of dirt and soil lies my friend... i imagine how cold it was, not moving... a person who is so filled with life... overcoming every obstable life threw at him and he did it with a smile.

Seeing the people around, i tohught to myself "If only you could see this Kev, how much we miss you"
Almost brought a tear to my eye.

Makes me wonder how much time i have left and what am i going to do with that ...
Will i be disappointed when that fated day comes?

All i could think of when i asked myself this is just getting Chalkboard Studios off the ground. It's probably a really immature answer at this point in time when i dont have responsibilities like kids, a family, a wife etc but what i think i'll be content with is knowing i had a go at my dreams and gave it my best shot.

Meanwhile, i rejected a really good job offer so i could finsih my school.
The band is going well (even with only 4 hours of practise a week) and i imagine we'll get a bit serious when the big holidays comes.

Chalkboard itself is in a stage of a major reform. We have 4 potential guys coming in doing various roles ... the tough part is putting them in places where they'd do the maximum amount of damage because they're really good and really on the ball.
To safely get them in, we'll need to do a day's worth of spring cleaning i think. Some of our files are not organised and well kept... and some members don't even have some critical files.

Days are going by really quickly.. especially with uni. Hard to believe it's week 7 already.
The leaves have started falling, it's getting darker and damp... cold. There's going to be a lot of hot chocolate and warm campbells chunky soup to be eaten and i can't wait.

It's going to be a nice Winter. I can feel it. The important thing for me is to smile and remember to say hi because it's the smallest thing's that make a difference.



At 2:39 am, Blogger CJ said...

Keep Smiling there, it's a rough world.


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