Friday, February 10, 2006

"Release the gooood!" - Little Nicky

Yeah, shitty film... i know but i liked that quote cuz it's so corny.

I'm slacking off from going to the gym, i've noticed.

I can't still believe Uni opens it's door in little more than 2 weeks (probably less actually)
Yet, there's still heaps to be done. In particular, Chalkboard.

The day couple of days has only involved one of two things.

Comic books and band stuff.

I enjoy both emmensely, so much so i've decidedly taken this weekend off to a beach house in Anglesea with 'ol Gracie to "release the good"...

It'll be two days of intense creative artistic ejaculation and i'm hoping i can get the most out of it.
Here's the vendetta:

- Sift through previous recordings and isolate useable riffs, chords and experimental stuff we can use.
- Complete half of volume 2 on "The Cave: Pilot 1"

That we i can pretty much reserve all of next week to mentally and physically prepare myself for uni again.
Getting to bed before 11:30 is a task in itself these days.

I've recently fallen in love with a movie: Napoleon Dynamite.
At first, and for the longest time i hated it.... it's so stupid...

I sound like a hyporcrite when i say love it but after 10 minutes i got the joke.
The acting, the music, the location (especially the location) is superb!!!

People love it or hate it, but i think it's a piece of original genius and wished i wrote it.
It's like they hired one of the guys from "", the whole bucktooth, slouch and glasses
and made him the star. The characters are so stereotypical but glorified, you can't help but love them.

I'm trying to think of a scene i like best but i like the entire film. See it! you'll love it or hate it... or like me did both;
hated it then loved it.


Until then, i'm going to slap some sunscreen, fill the petrol tank and say "wassup mah beaches???"



At 1:19 am, Blogger CJ said...

Hey hope your band is going well & the comic book.


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