After the deluge of eggs, bunnies and chocolates...
Listening to: [ Oasis - Wonderwall (live) ]
For most Catholics, Easter is a humble period where older Catholics remember Christ and kids eat chocolate.
I have to admit my whole life i haven't really made the effort for my religion...
this year is no different.
No, that's a lie. I would say i tried to connect with God in terms of understanding what it means to be a Catholic. I attended Church and i found it very difficult to tune into what the priest was trying to say. Sounded like old dribble to me to be honest where one minute he was talking about a little girl with a dog and the next is the annual recreation of Christ's final hour.
As confused as i was (like i said, no different from previous experiences) i did something that would be a first for me.
I just closed my eyes, and i thought about it for a moment. I have come to realise perhaps maybe in all the balony the priest was belting out was missing the fine point. I don't mean to critisize the Catholic community as i'm sure the hundreds of followers understood it's message however for me it felt as though i had to find it for myself.
Thoughts of why Jesus came to Earth in the first place intrigued me. The answer i could give was that he somehow believed we as humanity is slipping, If i remember my bible correctly it would suggest that everytime mankind screwed up God replied with thunder, water and all the elements that "Day after tomorrow" depicts.
Maybe Jesus applied to us as a human (the whole bleeding, other human factors) to us that in human form he isn't "perfect" as well.
I believe the bible in this modern age is mis-interpretted word for word and i accept that i live my life as a Catholic through the principles (a.k.a common sense) and just try to be good.
Speaking of good, i've almost caught up with my entire workload with business finance and hope tomorrown and sunday i can do the same for taxation law. I don't think i have any new news to reprt except i still owe the ATO a bundle, still employed, same all dancing all singing fuck of an idiot :P
Oh, Pope John Paul II ain't doing too well. Seems like a nice guy. Hope he gets well.
Well that's probably the first and last time i'll mention religion (until Christmas) but for now i have books to read and canvases to paint.
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