Welcom to existance...
Listening to: [ Switchfoot - Dare you to move ]
This month has been a quick one. It's the moment of the year where life is moving like a roller coaster on the decline. Rapid and blurry. You blink, you miss it.
The second meeting of the comic writers society was a big success.
Thank you to MArk, Trucey and Tuyet who came to see the show. It was a pivotal moment i think because now we have organisation and structure, each person knows what they have to do. The first project titled "Pilot" is coming together really week. The team is fired up and we are focused.
While everything is beyond what i had initally anticipated my school is a bummer.
I was pretty sick this week and i had a stomach virus. The fever didn't help.
I've promised myself i'd take this long labour day weekend to catch up on taxation law and business finance. It's coming to crunch time with all the assessments due in a couple of week and before i know it, it'll be the exams.
Don't blink.
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