Plan, Organise, Lead and DESTROY!!!
Listening to: [ Record of Lodoss war - Kiseki no Umi ]
Drained. Tired.
That's what i'm. But tomorrow will be different. I spent an hour looking through EVERYTHING that needs to be done and though i'm a bit behind i'm certain i will come out fine. Why?
I'm sick of doing half-assed stuff. Especially uni. It's week 5 and i still think it's week 2. The fun stops here and i'm going to make sure everything is done because i just really wanna kill these next couple of month.
The title comes from the earliest management theory on manager behaviour "POLC" as some who done commerce might remember. POLC stands for "plan, organise, lead and control"
I'm apply this simple abbreviation into my life, instead of control my future which is the ultimate goal anyway, i want to completel annihilate it. The smoking has come down significantly and i'm getting hints from my body that if i press on and set a date it will be ready to give up on nicotine too.
I've gone days, even though i really want to smoke when the time passes and i find myself doing something else i'm fine. I keep saying i will quit but i'm slowly getting there and there's a point where i WILL just put a stop to it. All those who don't have this nasty habit i don't expect them to understand how hard it is.
My firm is coming along well, and week by week we are getting more refined in terms of how we operate and what need to be done and looking back some might say we did shit all but i see the real progress into putting the effort and time into thinking about it, planning it and making it happen. Start something as Omer would say.
That's enough for me. Tomorrow belongs to me.
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