Sunday, August 13, 2006

Yes, you negligent parent...

I'm sitting here trying to finish up my assignment that's due this Wednesday but today is definately not my normal Sunday.

Firstly, there's a little boy sitting inside a car who has been there for about a half an hour and upon my personal inspection (i don't knwo why i did) the windows are rolled up and his parents are no where to be seen.

I for one am not what most would call fit or suitable father's because i feel if i bought life into this world i'd be distracted and noth ave the time to care.

But, this really shits up me up the wall. For fucks sake, it doesn't take that much effort to take your sleeping child upstairs.

It got to me so much, i thought i'd tell the parent who is a woman who seems to juggle her finances like she juggles her lovers that it's illegal to leave a child in the public with no supervision not to mention it's morally wrong.

She told me that if she took him upstairs, he'd wake up and start crying. Whoopdy-fucken-do. It's what kids do... they cry.

I hate the drop kicks who live in the units next to me who have this seriously wrapped sense of rightiousness and values.
In their eyes, they don't think they're doing anything wrong.

I especially hate it when i find myself in a situation where i feel like i have to tell parents how to be parents. My point of view doesn't seem to phase her. Maybe a call to child services will change their mind... or maybe the junkies, desperately broke losers who have nothing to lose, the mentally unstable, the disabled, the hoons, the thieves, the 30 year old who rides a BMX sporting his "hip" bandana and wu-tang jacket will.

Secondly, if that's not enough, the neighbour on the opposite site of my street was alledgely bitten by a dog. The ambo's are now taking him away, with the dog no where to be seen.

So now we can also add a wild dog to that list too. Feeling safe in my fucked up neighbourhood?
I sure as hell am.


Monday, August 07, 2006

the apprehensive move...

Listening to: [ Shawn Mullins - All in my head ]

This is one of those thing's where you get burned so many times but you come back for more.

Blogger, you've won this time.
I'll keep this one short and continue to just copy and paste off MS Word.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday and i don't think things can be any better.
It's a time of reflection, perhaps thinking back on some of the events that's really impacted my life.

My family, friends and that long drive that makes you feel like you have all the time in the world.

I get the feeling that no matter how fast i work, time always works faster and sometimes i feel scared that everything is moving moving so fast i'm being left behind.

I keep putting it off, but at the comic launch (i'll write the full article a bit later) reminded photographs are precious.
There was a wall on the back of the bar where the event was held... and i see us going through that period.

I remember questioning whether the project would ever see the light of day. I guess it did :)

If someone was to ask me what i would be doing sometime down the road of this crazy ride i would say playing my guitar on a little sand dune singing about the good life with my friends sitting around thinking the exact same thing.

Life's good.