Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm Superman

Your results:
You are Superman

The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

End of summer

Listening to: [ Crowded House - Fall At Your Feet ]

Well it is when i think about it... summer officially ends as soon as my foot steps outside my car and i walk past the den and into the crappy Menzies building (it's still sinking.. apparently the scaffolding is already up repairing the piece of shit)

I think i've had a pretty good holidays.

It's been about a week since i've come back from Anglesea... it was definately worth it!
At first i was really hesitant because everyone was a couple except me, and no one likes being a third wheel let along the ninth.

For some reasons, these trips usually have a chain of bad luck in particular the final moments right before you set off.
My car was packed, ready, oil checked, tyre pressure okayed and the battery clamp falls off right at the last minute.

i mean, WTF?!

The battery came loose and it somehow discharged itself which busted a fuse. No problem, we had a spare fuse and bolt for the clamp but the fuses were different!!!

I was really glad that this didn't seem to affect anyone elses spirits except mine because naturally i was furious with my car. We hauled ass and crammed into Rodney's 'tuff as nails' Forerunner and sang all the way into Anglesea.

Before i go on i should probably describe the people on the trip...

Rodney is a happy go lucky mauritian who loves cars. His fiance; Ana is his yang who always corrects him and the pair is inseperable. couple number two is Christian and Amanda... Christian is a cool headed bloke who went to the scouts and knew how to tie this kick ass knot to tow my shitty sprinter home... Amanda is his lovely girlfriend who is very chilled back... but i guess i can't really say much cuz everyone was laid back and cool :)

Finally, Gracie one of my closest friends, my confidant, my default wife and her boyfriend Hugh. Hugh looks like Zach Braff ( i swear it!) and always smiles like nothing could ever get him down... awesome guy.

took us forever to find the house because the bin they left out on the front was the wrong number... as a token of my appreciation i kicked the living shit out of the bin when we all parked. Christian and Rodders got wasted and i sang them both a serenade into the wee hours into the morning with manda and ana. Grace, the party pooper went to bed (as well as hugh...)

The first night i was entertained by drunken men pretending to be break dancers, jamaicans, rastafarians, indiians and of course; Maruis. Manda and Ana wasn't pleased when the boys did the Hakka at 4am and stomped the house in a riot but i thought it was terrific... what they didn't know was... i had recorded their little drunk talk session :)

Next morning i woke to the arrival of two house housemates... The Huxinator and his girlfriend. Though his girlfriend was quiet and shy.... Hux was not. He's the funniest turk and he's just full of life :)

We went to the beaches for the next two day... i skimmed boarded and rode some waves... i loved every minute of it. I even found three little pippies... but they died when i put them in the fridge :(

Apparently, Grace has booked in another holiday house on labour dya weekends... i can't wait to be honest!!!

Back to reality... i've re-enrolled this semester with 3 subjects (i dont know if i can even manage through them.... advanced business finance with tax law... ouch!)

Chalkboard is great, we're pretty damn close to released on the scheduled month of march... completing volume 1 will be a big achievement with Vito working for days on end without a break just so we can do this. The half completed works look incredibly impressive. I've had the easy task of thumbnailing the small panels (volume 1 was fully completed tonight and 50% remains for volume 2 as i write).

Band stuff has hit a slight snag because it's getting incredibly difficult for all the band members to find time to practise.
Mike (lead guitarist) works everyday and if often tired and worn... but he can shred like anything though.
Chris also works, has commitments like gf and family... i love his bass riffs but if i ask for his opinion... he's just too nice and always says it's good... hahaha
Sasha, drummer and song writer has gone back to school and i think she's looking for a job. She's always in her own world ALL the time and it's really hard to get her attention!!! But she's funny as hell and i love the way she laughs.


Right now? i'm probably going to complete a couple more thumbnaisl for vol 2 and have a cigarette.


Shoutouts: Kev (phrostbyte) for putting a roof over my head when i needed one the most, Helen for eating about 15 dumplings, Chow... for calling me a faggot and fixing my ride, Huxinator>> never above you, never below you... always next to you bro. Cheers!

Friday, February 10, 2006

"Release the gooood!" - Little Nicky

Yeah, shitty film... i know but i liked that quote cuz it's so corny.

I'm slacking off from going to the gym, i've noticed.

I can't still believe Uni opens it's door in little more than 2 weeks (probably less actually)
Yet, there's still heaps to be done. In particular, Chalkboard.

The day couple of days has only involved one of two things.

Comic books and band stuff.

I enjoy both emmensely, so much so i've decidedly taken this weekend off to a beach house in Anglesea with 'ol Gracie to "release the good"...

It'll be two days of intense creative artistic ejaculation and i'm hoping i can get the most out of it.
Here's the vendetta:

- Sift through previous recordings and isolate useable riffs, chords and experimental stuff we can use.
- Complete half of volume 2 on "The Cave: Pilot 1"

That we i can pretty much reserve all of next week to mentally and physically prepare myself for uni again.
Getting to bed before 11:30 is a task in itself these days.

I've recently fallen in love with a movie: Napoleon Dynamite.
At first, and for the longest time i hated it.... it's so stupid...

I sound like a hyporcrite when i say love it but after 10 minutes i got the joke.
The acting, the music, the location (especially the location) is superb!!!

People love it or hate it, but i think it's a piece of original genius and wished i wrote it.
It's like they hired one of the guys from "", the whole bucktooth, slouch and glasses
and made him the star. The characters are so stereotypical but glorified, you can't help but love them.

I'm trying to think of a scene i like best but i like the entire film. See it! you'll love it or hate it... or like me did both;
hated it then loved it.


Until then, i'm going to slap some sunscreen, fill the petrol tank and say "wassup mah beaches???"


Friday, February 03, 2006

Hello... and welcome.

Listening to: [ Foo Fighters - Everlong ]

February the third... seems almost forever since my last post.
Finally got a chance to rub my hands and sit down and say hello to an old friend, my blog.

Ah, can't believe January flew by so quickly.
Coke's slogan for this summer is "As it should be..." as much as i detest this propaganda my summer is exactly what i wanted it to be... states travelled, new people met, beers consumed, movies watched, model kits made, beaches, sunsets, cigarettes the whole shi-bang.

Having said that i suppose the most appropriate thing to say is what happend since my last post.

I wanted to initially recap all of 2005, right now i, like everyone else is still trying to adjust to 2006 so it feels funny when i'm "capping" 2005 off. The year was an interesting one of ups and downs... a rollercoaster of extremes and i felt like i didn't have the time to stop and catch my breath.

March 2005 saw the start of something that is still in full blown operation in 2006... Chalkboard Studios.

A dream became a vision, the vision becomes in motion, the motion eventually led me to work with the finest artists, writers, publishers and of course good friends. For the first time in my life i felt like something so right is working, sometimes it becomes so surreal i close my eyes and open them again just to make sure it still wasn't a dream.

We've come quite far, completed tasks upon tasks i've thrown at them but they keep persevering.

Conflicts, overcome.
Scripts, done.
Trip, been there.
Thumbnails, done.

Good times? Hell yeah.

The downside was unfortunate bad luck after badluck. Uni was one, i gave it my all but because of a ridiculous time table structure i failed a crucial uni, no biggie... i continue to struggle through semester 2 and scrape by... okay whatever.

Then comes the substantial traffic fines because of a small event that amounted to over 1 thousand bucks.
Not a big fine? It is when you're broke.

I've applied for so many jobs and i don't get replies. Fine.

Here's the point, i made it through... i made a promise to myself (and a lousy New Year's resolution) on January the first last year. I told myself to give it my absolute all or don't bother. I'm glad i can say i'm proud of that at least... i was true that..

Unfortunately, NYE resolution suck balls... i don't need an excuse to change on NYE, i can do it tomorrow or the day after.
So this year i said fuck it. I'll make it as i go...

This year, i'm going to hold my breath and take the one way ticket ride again... this time i'll remember to be true to myself.


p.s: Monin, i'm back, mofo! :)
Shout out to Pete, Com tam and the people who read my blog... thanks for telling me to get off my arse and update.