I got a email from someone urging me to attend a rally to support convicted herion smuggler Van Nguyen.
Nguyen pictured,

was sentenced to death last year when 400grams (nearly half a kilo) of heroin was detained from him by Singapore authorities last year.
He stands to be die by hanging in the next 10 days. If you think this is an article in support of his release.
You are wrong.I'm sick and tired of saving these scum, while i sympathise to his Mum and hoping her next child is bought up with more discipline i hope Van Nguyen is a message to others. What a disgrace; his Mum didn't flee wartorn Vietnam to Australia to raise a drug-dealer.
I don't understand how anyone would want to campaign for something so ridiculous. It's common knowledge, if you haven't heard by now that the importation of drugs results in death, maybe this face should ring a bell:

What really ticks me over is the excuse being used which is almost as bad as Shappelles. Instead of "it wasn't mine!" by Corby it's "i'm helping my twin brother clear his debts" Souce: http://www.prisonersoverseas.com/
Here's a solution you should've thought of dickhead:
GET A JOB.You aint helping no one clear debts by flying half way across the world (where the hell did he get the ticket money?) to corrupt and shit on the laws in Singapore.
If Singaporeans come here, if they go 10km's over the speed limit they will be fined. That's fair enough i think.
If we go there and chew bubble gum we have to respect the laws put in place by chewwing our shit elsewhere. Same with the drugs.
Seems everyone is so keen on saving this drug-dealer but i'm sure if the same supporters would want Van to live next door or to look after your kids you'd second guess it. It makes the Asian community look bad adding to the arguements for an already thin point of tolerence between our ethnic cultures and also makes Australia look like a convict country in support of drug-dealers.
Many would argue Van Nguyen is human and should be treated like one, fuck even Buffalo Bill, Chopper Reid and Charles Manson had mums and probably helped them with the washing at least once. That's the defence arguement: "he's a good kid and helps his mum with the washing" and all of a sudden he's a good kid. I can imagine him thinking of all the sweet profits he'd make from the sale and maybe use the money to buy himself a nice car or getting street cred from his crew.
Who's the "sick cunt" now?
Where's your "bros" now when you are sitting on death row, lonely and no one, especially me gives a shit about you.
If you're truly stupid enough to bring drugs to a country where you gonna get hanged then maybe you should. and if we as a country are stupid enough to support his cause then i think we really need a revision. Human rights by all means should protect the innocent.... a key word that has been lost in this media charged "brother helping, washing hanging drug smuggler" controversy.
Van admitted many times he has guilty and he was sorry.
Maybe he doesn't deserve to die, but what matters is principle and prevailing laws in place to keep the people of Singapore drug free. I respect that, and so should any would-be travellers.
The situation is exasterbated when the government is pleading with the Prime Minister and even The Queen to save this little runt's life. A admire the effort put in by his family and friends but trying to mitigate our of this with leverage that would put a significant pressure on a economic scale especially with trade is not ideal and i hope our Prime Minister is smart enough to know better. (I hope the queen supports this, it'll be funny because i don't see her even sticking up for our own Johnny Howard)
A heading for The Australian, "government works for Nguyen" made me sick.
The fact that Pell lobbied to the pope made me sick. Sif Nguyen would go to church, he'd be the bastard outside it trying to sell it to our kids.
Here's a good one, why don't the people who want Van Nguyen out take his place at the gallows... anyone?
source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,
It's one less drug dealer on the street, corrupting would-be drug users who steal, rob and plunder the realy innocent citizens who
work, pay tax (that funds their god-damned welfare) when they can't afford to buy the drugs from our friend here, Van Nguyen.
I think we should bring back the death penalty. If everyone knows you're going to die if you sell drugs then i think that's a big deterent. I don't care what circumstance either because i definately ain't rich yet i still make ends meet without problems. Pham saiod to me, we should clean up Springvale by clearing out the druggies... his suggestion: "line em up and shoot all of them".
How right you are.