Friday, October 28, 2005

teh ultimate street fighter movie

This would've made poor Raul Julia turn in his grave.

(Click the title above)
8/10 - Quite quirky and at times just packing awesomeness.


Life is a video game...

Listening to: [ Boa - Serial Experiments Lain Intro ]


University, 13 weeks of skimming through and it doesn't matter what kind of preparation you've invested in you always find yourself feeling restless, anxious and confused by the time you arrive at the doors.

I hate the feeling like my whole life weighs on it (well it kinda does).

Video Game? Well today i was playing Street Fighter II (original) because i was well-prepared and had 15 minutes to spare before Bean arrived to drive me and i realised that our life's like a video game: No matter how long you skim through the piss weak easy levels there's always one thing in the end that'll make or break you. All it takes is a punch by Bison and you're dead. Difference is; you can continue in street fighter.

Here's what pisses me off: Students who DID NOT prepare and you can tell cuz they have the expression of "IMMA GONNA FAIL", their zits are in overdrive, they have coles myer sized bags under their eyes and they seem to smell of redbull trying cram 13 weeks of info in 5 minutes.

Nice. Dickheads.

Then you find someone who is sitting the same exam as you, and they're frantically reading something over and over. Red flag goes up and i;m thinking to myself "does he know something i don't?"
International asians always seem to know the about everything from exam content to redtapes to get a consideration of disavantage. Well we ARE dodgy, there's no denying it. here i'm studying like a true SUCKER.

Well now that i'm worried whether i neglected that area and start questioning my own preparation is sighed "Fuck em, i'll be fine."
And when i sit inside the exam what do i see? The exact area that bubble of pus was studying for.
ASSHOLE! He knew! They all knew! Except for the Aussies and local kids like me.

I thought about changes i would make if i could indeed run the show at Caufield Racecourse where our exams are held:

- People caught reading notes 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the exams will be desanitized with a fire hose, hair shaven, numbered, desexed and segmented into men and females and made into chow in a foccacia oven and served with chips and a salad.
- failure to turn the mobiles off in the exam means instant death. (By beheading or rifle range)
- Replace the elderly examiners with Jessica Alba lookalikes (for... inspirational purposes)
- People who are constantly cough be bagged and gagged.
- You are allowed to leave 10 minutes before the exam finishes.
- Picking your nose while i'm trying to conjure my best answer is an immediate FAIL and subsequent 50 lashers per booger picked, uneducated pusbag. Use a tissue is permitted.
- Unmuffled sneezes (not the wheezy types, i'm talking your asian father shaking the foundations of your house sneeze) results in being expelled, and a beheading if no tissue is applied straight after.
- Do not bite your nails if you come in late, loudly place ur crap on the table, then making the entire room listen while you spit the residue out results in the torture and deportation of family and banning of 6 generations and an additional 500 lashes by the subcontracted brick layers while having their eye lids torn and head restrained to watch the elderly former examiner in iron clad bondage who have be re-assigned.

-All those who do none of the above are awarded free sandwiches, a pass, an XBOX and a hug from the new examiners.


p.s: I think i did well today.
p.p.s: Bean, thanks for the Case summaries "the director was in breach of his fiduciary duties because he packed so much awesomeness.. ". Just thought you'd like to know two things: 1. I couldn't use that case cuz i had no idea what u had summarised. 2. I nearly laughed out loud which would've rendered me open for 50 lashes.

Pictured: M. Bison (Bad ass) - Source:

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I hate teh ARIAS

Listening to: [ Powderfinger - These days ]

I hate this year's ARIAS.
Before i go on, i must mention there was pretty good performances from Grinspoon and Neil Finn (former Crowded house).
Finn performed a stunning acoustic revival of "Better be hom soon" to recently departed and ex-band member, Paul Hester.

How i got into watching the show, I recieved an SMS from Monin "Channel 10"

At that time i was happily studying my notes until i swtiched on the tele, and who did i see but Missy higgins.

God i hate Missy Higgins! I think i speak for NO ONE as i'm a clear minority who thinks her voice sounds like a cross between a bushpig and the sound of nails on a blackboard. Herald as "the darling of Australian music" which makes me gag.

She'd probably get my vote if she just sang properly.

I think it's cool she advocates the Australian music industry (not that we've had problems with Australian music as we do with the film industry) and writes her own music blah blah but i really think her voice is one of the ugliest to ever grace the airwaves.
Speaking of ugly, Ben Lee won a couple of notable awards for his one hit wonder "Catch my disease" which is catchy i admit.

Seems the world forgot about him since his last government inspired hit, "Cigarettes will kill you". Not suprised people wanted to forget him however hats off to him for trying; "you seem like nice guy". The Veronicas, please... EAT SOMETHING and grow some hips.

I know i might sound really negative, but i'm a big fan of Australian music. My shitty mood stuck when i saw (and heard) a voice even uglier than Higgins; Gretel Killeen. I can't stand her face let alone her voice. I tohught it would be safe to not see her until next year's Big Brother but i was wrong. Gretel, whose voice was raspier than a 500 kg yobbo was accompanied by David Hasselhoff.

"The Hoff" - is not cool in my books. I mean what the fuck is going on??? Seriously!

A washed up actor who hasn't done anything since a talking car and pamela anderson jumblies getting treated like royal. If i saw him down the street i wouldn't buy him coffee. I guess it's been awhile since the last famous yank visited this country.

Hopefully the ARIAS will return to normal next year with more Powderfinger, Jet, Living end, Grinspoon and less Idols and nail on blackboards.


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-David Hasselhoff. Weird, really weird.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Update on my last post.

I have scored my first HD, in the last subject too; Financial Analysis & Investment.



Some useless numbers in my life...

Listening to: [ Powderfinger - My happiness ]

- I have yawned 4 times in the last minute.
- I have 6 pairs of jeans :D
- I successfully quit smoking for 7 days
- Have had 3 haircuts this year
- I have consumed approximately 3 boxes of cereal in the last month.
- I eat at least 2 packets of 'Mi Goreng' a week.
- 0 HD's this year :(
- Have less than 5 cents in my bank.
- Got 4 fines currently outstanding.
- Fines equate to over $1000.
- There is 4 pieces of dandruff on my pillow (oh GEEZ :( )
- I have 2 pimples on my face
- I have read over 100 pages of law in two weeks :D
- I have broken the D string on my guitar... twice.
- I have 5 movie ticket stubs lying on my shelf.

All for now.


Friday, October 14, 2005

Monash rant pt. 2

Listening to: [ Audioslave - I am the highway ]

I was talking to my friend, and i told her everyday feels like the last. My world feels so small.

I just realised in the past 2 weeks the only places i've seen is my bedroom and the matherson library... and so, here's a couple of things i think i definately need during my summer holidays...

- Get wasted
- Bulk up (fully shick)
- Take a long cruise to sydney
- Own myself on Krispy Kreme doughnuts
- Finish my canvas
- Finish my bedroom makeover, then move out (ha!)
- Play in a band with Maher and Gambino.
- Take a camera and cut sick
- Re-string my guitar and save up for an ibanez or fender electric
- Rule the world.

There, i think if i achieve half of that i'll be set for 2006.

and if you think i could write an article without mentioning monash, guess again.
If it's not Monash it's the stupid politically correct morons who waste our fee money on pointless causes. You sign a petition cuz you feel sorry for them. Now they're calling me up at 10am, i know bloody when the whole world is sleeping (my world) telling me Dick Cheny is a terrorist. I said i only signed up only cuz i felt sorry for him but he kept going... fine.

At this point i was up and grumpy, so i decided to hear him out.
Turn after turn i wreck the guy, on factual evidence i had from previous assignments and i said "what the hell r u on about mate?" after a moment to reorganise himself after attempting to bag the country, call his people convicts, say our statistic bureau is inaccurate, our government is an ass kicker (which i agreed on) and said the price of oil will kill our economy. HA!

One thing i was particularly good at was economics. I said i agreed that oil prices will eventually filtrate through to the goods and services but a hike in 50 per litre won't bring the economy down as a whole. I told him about the government stabilization plans (budgetary policies) that have been good with steady inflation but he didn't get it.

Moron! i didn't care. It was 20 minutes on a mobile and hey, if you have money to keep crapping on i'm not one to complain. People who write blogs and have nothing else to crap on about are losers :P Like me ha!

Well i guess my excuse to escape studying for 15minutes is up. I'm hungry.
The morale of this story: Next time a hippy wants u to sign up for something, tell him to get a job!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Monash rant pt 1

Here i'm eating at the meeting point at the campus centre.

I'm starving so i'm chugging down i don't know what the hell it is... it says hookien noodles but it tastes like carrot and msg.
I look around at the infrastructure and realise everything about this Uni is dodgy. The buildings are old and they don't fix them... the main building, the Menzies sinks half an inch a year, the escalators on 4th and 5th floor don't work which doesn't say much about the reliability of the lift.

I took the lift today, as risky as it was i guess that's the price of laziness.

Back to my disgusting meal... i barely get it down my throat thanks to condiments and a chicken piece which is more like flour.

Bitch bitch bitch is all i do... andp robably all i have until summer comes. I'm relieved to know i worked hard at everything this year so i can enjoy a holiday without regretting anything.

Only regrets is the 7 bucks i spent, eating the plastic container probably would've yielded more vitamins and essential minerals but that's my Uni for ya.

I've started listening to Zero 7, acid jazz of whatever category of music they invent everyday... It's pretty good and if you want a decent tune to go with your studies, download the track "Destiny" or buy their album.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

This is where i grew up.

Listening to: [ Train - When i look to the sky ]

The exam period once again hangs over our head, and i can see that shade of gold that reminds me of summer.

It's been a hell of a hectic last 4-5 weeks and i've gradually worn myself out by trying to accomplish too many things.
Sure, it's a nice thought about one of life's lesson is if there's not enough hours in the day, don't think you can save the world.

Today is Sunday, the last day of mid-semester break and welcomes the final stretch of school which i've been neglecting.
I'm worried about whether i can catch up, and i've allocated my schedule purely to Uni... i know it's a nasty habit which most Uni students tend to share but i've been pretty busy.

I have accepted the role of youth ambassador for the Victorian Multicultural Commission; which means i'll have the input and the chance to represent the real situation of kids to people in authority who can do something about. It's pro bono means i won't be paying many debts or buying that leather jacket i;ve been wanting but i feel this is the right path for me.

Chalkboard is going well, i'm presuming after the whole exam i can really put my efforts into next year and plan the year after that. The comic is coming along nicely and with some luck it should hit the shelves by March 2006.

As soon as i see that, the biggest ambition of my life will be accomplished; should i be really lucky and it sells well could mean the firm continue what we love. Life's going pretty quickly i must admit, and half the time i'm not even sure whether i'm doing enough to keep up. there's a movie i've been extremly fond of, "Garden State" and the main character realises that life's what we make it and it starts right now. "This is my life Dad, this is it." - Andrew Largeman.

The movie scores a 4.5/5 from me so i reccomend it to everyone who needs something refreshing and truly unique piece of work that hasn't graced the screens in a long time.

I consider this the final gallop of 2005, like the horses getting the crap whipped out of them by the jockeys in the Melbourne Cup, this is it. Hopefully my chance to sit back with a coldie with my favourite cd on this balcony won't be too far away. This year i've earned it.

Speaking of balcony, here's the view from my place at 6:40 in the morning and i managed to even get a cameo of a morning bird.... worms for all of us.


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